Be inspired, and do what you can to achieve your goals

I have been putting off getting back to running after  6 months of just not bothering after an injury. But, today  my friend sent me a  video clip which has really  inspired me to start again.

The video link is about 100+ year old Ida Keeling (born May 15, 1915)  an American track and field athlete. She holds Masters records in 60 meter and 100 meter distances for women in the 95-99 and 100-plus age groups. I hope you too can watch and be inspired.  I have also included two other quotes which I hope can inspire to step out of your comfort zone and work towards achieving your goals.

How to do whatever it takes to succeed!

We are all special  and  have talents, abilities and gifts that are unique and special to us individually.  The one difference that does separate the two and ultimately serves as the deciding factor is the ability to do whatever it takes.

Don’t let indecisiveness, the fear of failure and the fear of what others may think prevent you from taking action and get moving on making your dream a reality.


Belive that you are a success

See your self as a success

Act as if you are a success

Talk like a successful person

Do what successful people do( Work hard and also make time to have fun and enjoy your life)

Remember, to look in the mirror each morning and say “ I am unique, special and destined for greatness. Today I am willing to start over determined to do whatever it takes to make my dreams a reality!



Confidence to Achieve Success Seminar

Time for you to join us at our second event Confidence to Achieve success which is for you if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of things not happening. Come and learn how to develop a plan and take action  that will help you to believe and say “ I don’t want this any more, enough is enough, I am going to start right now and do something that will move me towards achieving my goals”

Book your tickets in advance for £5 and proceeds toward our Confident Children Christmas Project




Amanda Stoneham  resigned from her secure job just before her 40th birthday to follow her passion to run her successful business Happy Healthier Lifestyle Int.

Dougals Ponsford -life and personal development coach who has helped numerous amounts of people to implement strategies and systems which has helped them to achieve successes in their chosen path.

Genny Jones AKA Confident Queen – Single mother of 2 who has for 13 years been running various businesses, community projects and helping others to be confident so that they two can live a happy and fulfilled life.




#Be Confident! Time to celebrate being you!


So right now why don’t you say these words to yourself, believe it, say it and own it!

I am the one and only

Nobody I’d rather be

I am the one and only

You can’t take that away from me

“Lyrics Chesney Hawkes”




Things happen for a reason!



Yesterday I was so excited as I received a small refund from my utility company. When I spoke to one of their employees over the phone, he said I could even take the cheque to a specific bank and so long as I had my passport and some bills to confirm my identity I would be able to cash the cheque.


Excitedly, that morning I went to the bank and presented the cheque and my documents, the cashier asked if I had an account with them, I said no, and then to my utter astonishment, she said I couldn’t cash the cheque and had to pay it into my own bank account. I was so angry and showed her the letter which stated I could cash the cheque, but she still insisted I could not cash the cheque. As I walked out disappointed, I wondered if I should have just told her a lie that I did not have a bank account! But honesty is the best policy.

I then went to my own bank account and explained what had happened; and the cashier said to me that the utility company should not have told me that. Anyway I paid the cheque in. I was hoping to use the cashed cheque to pay my travel expenses to go to work. So now I had to walk all the way back home to get some cash.


On my way home, my son sent me a message that he had left his key at home and wanted me to leave the spare key for him. Even though I was a bit annoyed at having to walk back home I was grateful, as it meant I could leave the key for him.


As I continued walking, I caught up with a lady who was walking in front of me, and just started chatting to her.  During our conversation she  explained that she wanted to start jogging but did not have someone to do this with. As I was in the same position, we exchanged numbers and agreed to become jogging buddies. We then discovered we lived 5 minutes from each other!


As we parted company, I met one of my neighbours and we started talking about healthy eating and she gave me some great tips.


As I reached home, I felt a lot better, and grateful that although the bank did not cash my cheque, me walking back home gave me the opportunity to connect with others in a positive way.

Confidence to start your business, social enterprise or project

Confidence to start your business, social enterprise or project


Since 2009, I have been involved of setting up and running various businesses using different legal structures from sole trader, limited company and social enterprises

I have learnt so much over the years, and the journey at times had been very tough, especially on the financial front and trying to balance running the business and raising two children on my own as well as doing my charitable activities to help others and make a difference.

 It is possible to set up and run a successful business or project with the right mindset, determination, dedication and support of others. Over the last few years, I have helped so many people develop their ideas and turn it into a business, charity or social enterprise and still offer them regular support and update. I myself have my own mentor and coaches who help and support me.


Some key things to consider

  1. Mindset – Develop a positive and success mindset. “ I can do this”
  2. Work Ethics – Be prepared to work smarter
  3. Know your competitors – Study what others running a similar business are doing
  4. Destiny helpers – Build a team of support to encourage, motivate and empower you, ( business coach, mentor, staff team etc)
  5. Attend networks – Connect with like minded people
  6. Rollercoaster – Be prepared to cope with the rough times and good times
  7. Know your customers – Before people use your services they need to know you, and trust you, Focus on the benefits your services will give your customers Consider how you want your customers to feel before, during and after using your services.
  8. You are worth it – Put value on ther services your offer and don’t be afraid to charge
  9. Try to have at least 3 months worth of money saved to cover your personal expenses.
  10. Work life balance – Time for work, family time, me time, friends time and rest



For free 30 minutes Confidence in business consultation

Please email me

Skype – confidentqueengenny



How to develop the confidence to move on #beconfident

















7 ways to develop the confidence to achieve your goals #ConfidencetoAchieve


One of things that stop us from achieving our goals is lack of confidence because of the fear of failure and sticking to our comfort zone.

When we have confidence, it will help us smash through those barriers and limiting beliefs that we have about ourselves and move forward making the most of every opportunity that comes our way.

Without confidence you will never be able to lead the life that you want. Confident people are successful people. They stick out a mile don’t they? Many people in life have the same amount of skills but what holds them back is their lack of self-belief. The difference between those that succeed and those that do not is confidence!

7 ways to develop the confidence to achieve your goals

  1. Develop the Confidence Mindset – Know that you are already a success
  2. Focus on what you want to achieve and why – Write this down and Visualise you achieving this.
  3. Take small actions towards achieving your goals
  4. Do what you can and get help on what you can’t
  5. Be around people successful people
  6. Develop a community of destiny helpers – people who will support you
  7. Be Accountable – get someone to encourage and support you



For years I suffered from low self confidence and fear of failure.  One day, I read a magazine about a lady who turned her life around by attending some confidence and life coaching courses.  I too then spent years learning and reading on how to be more confident in myself. Since then (2009) I have developed my own Confidence Coaching Programme which will empower, and equip you with the tools and tips you need to develop the Confidence to achieve your goals.

Confidence to Achieve Coaching Costs

½ hour free initial consultation (via skype/telephone/email)

½ day coaching £297 at my venue ( extra costs if at your venue) Special Offer in March £137

4 Coaching sessions £197 per session (via skype/telephone/email)Special Offer in March £97 per session

Premium coaching sessions £800 over 3 months ( extra costs if at your venue)Special Offer in March £577


Confidence to Achieve Coaching sessions will cover

  • The confidence Assessment – Just how confident are you?
  • Believing in yourself – What do you need to believe in yourself?
  • How to overcome your negative thoughts
  • How to overcome negative comments from others
  • How to feel confident all of the time!
  • Your confidence plan – How to lead a great, confident life
  •  Make your own Gift of Confidence Tool Box with items you can refer to on a regular basis that will help you to maintain your happiness and confidence levels as you go through your amazing life’s journey.

To book your  Free initial session via Skpe/Telephone/Email  complete this initial form

As your Confidence and Happiness Coach

As your personal happiness and confidence building coach I bring my training, life experiences, care, skill and absolutely confidentially. You bring any concerns that you have about being more confident/happier in a particular area of your life. My Confidence to achieve coaching programme will change the way you act, the way you walk, the way you communicate with people, and the way you hold yourself. It will help you to maximise your potential and be the best you can, so that you can live a life of limitless possibilities.

