7 Days Happiness Challenge from Monday 11th July

Over the last few days, I have come accross a lot of people who are feeling very overwhelmed and fed up with their lives.  One lady said to me  recently ” It  starts when you wake up in the morning, put your TV on and all you hear is about bad things happening all over the world, I feel so frigthened at times and don’t even want to leave home at times. I feel so lonely as I live alone, and even though I have a job, I feel alone, sad and depressed in the evening at weekends as  have no one to talk to”

This really touched me, as I have been through similar situation but have now managed to find ways to cope with life and help others to find that inner peace which can then lead to outward happiness and joy!

So join me from Monday and lets try and create happy moments for ourselves and others.


No matter what you are going through give yourself permission to smile!


“…..and still I smile”

Genny - and still I smile coversheetangela-page0001

There are times in our lives, when we face a challenging situation and spend days asking the questions  such as why me? Why is my life not going the way I want it to go?   Why does it seem that everyone is moving on and I am still seem to be stagnant?

I have had some moments when I feel hopeless, when I felt I was in a dark hole with no way out. It can seem at times that everyone is having a party and you are not invited. “and still I smile” is my story of  learning to cope and smile in the midst of obstacles, challenges and set back.

In my presentation, I explain th reasons why I can wake up and smile not because my life is perfect, but because I have learnt that so long as I am alive, I have hope and many reasons to smile. I also have a strong faith and belief that no matter what, things will always turn out good.


My aim is to share my experiences to give Hope and inspire as many people as I can.

Book Now-

and Still I smile – 15 minutes  speaking presentation

and still I smile – 1 day activity workshop showing you how you too can develop strategies to cope with life challenges

Email: genny @ confidentqueen . co. uk

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 21 (Congratulations)

congratulationsThe 21 Days sadness diet© Day 21 Congratulations

Hello again, and welcome the final day of our 21 Days Diet, and I am so grateful and thankful that you have been part of it.

So right now, what colour is your happiness level?


Please let me know by commenting on this blog how this sadness diet© has helped you and any comment or suggestions you may have to help me improve it.



The idea of The sadness diet© is for us to look at the things that make us sad, and together find ways to help us feel happier and have a reason to wake up each day with a smile. So on this journey, I have tried to Support, Motivate, Inspire, Love, and Encourage you.

The method I used to help us look at ways of being happier is the part of a coaching model “IGROWS” which I learnt as part of my Life Coaching course with the Coaching Academey .“IGROWS” mean (Issue, Goals, Reality, Options, Willingness and Smiles.

facts of smiling

Tips to cope when you feel a bit sad

Acknowledge that you are sad – because life is full of challenges and its ok to be sad

Express your feelings of sadness – It is important that you express how you feel as it is all part of the journey towards happiness. So cry, scream etc it’s ok ( this too will pass away) and be patient that in time you will feel happier again.

You could also have a sadness party https://confidentqueen.wordpress.com/2014/07/30/sadness-party/

If you are really feeling deeply sad or depressed, remember you are not alone, and if you feel like talking to someone there is the Samaritans, Mind, NHS Choices and similar organizations that can help you.

Before you go to bed each night just focus on things you are grateful for, think happy thoughts, play happy music so that you can go to bed feeling good and enjoying a good night’s sleep. ( See below on how to add the instant feel good factor to your day).

When you wake up each morning, take a deep breath, focus on grateful for, think happy thoughts, play happy music so that you can start your day with a smile and in a good mood. ( See below on how to add the instant feel good factor to your day)


Next Steps

Over the next few days, I want you to develop daily habits that will help you to cope with life’s unexpected events that make you sad. Refer back to the 21 days diet and decide which activities work best for you. Below is a suggestion of things you can do each day when you wake up, during the Day and before going to bed.

Instant Feel Good Factor

Find a quiet place

Sit down

Breathe in slowly and Breathe out Slowly ( do this a couple of times)

Breathe in slowly and then laugh out loud slowly (do this a couple of times)

Say – I am so grateful and happy to be alive to see another day.

Think and focus on something that makes you feel happy or just make sing and dance to my favourite “wake up I feel happy boom, boom, I feel like dancing around boom boom, and now I am dancing line no one’s watching boom, boom” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQPhLEWmTvo

Smile – Just spend a few seconds smiling, and then I want you to give out a couple of big laughs (hahaha) and say (woohoo boom boom)

Get your Gift of a smile box, and make use of the items as you continue to feel good and smile,

Now give yourself a big hug them go and share a smile and a hug with someone else!



Over the last 21 Days, we have covered the following topics and if you do need the whole 21 days I can send you in my Ebook which I am creating for £7. I also offer one to one coaching session to help you in your journey to your happier life and this is £27 per session which can be via skype, telephone, and emails. Face to Face meetings will be charged at a higher rate to cover travel time and costs. I am based in Gravesend Kent (UK)

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 1 Issue

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 2 Goals

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 3 Goals – Vision Boards

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 4 Affirmations

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 5 Celebrate our progress so far

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 6 Don’t be weighed down by your problems

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 7 The Gift of a Smile Box

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 8 Options

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 9 I am willing to change

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 10 Don’t be discouraged

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 11 Make the most of your time

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 12 You are never too old

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 13 Six Ways to Wellbeing

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 14 Meditation by – Liz Almond

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 15 Mindfulness from Action for Happiness

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 16 It’s good to hug

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 18 Bury your regrets

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 19 Time to Review and Reflect

The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 20 Law of Attraction

The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 21 Congratulations


The 21 sadness diet© Day 20 ( Law of Attraction)


The sadness diet©

The idea of The sadness diet© is for us to look at the things that make us sad, and together find ways to help us feel happier and have a reason to wake up each day with a smile. So on this journey, we will all Support, Motivate, Inspire, Love, and Encourage each other. Method we will use is called “IGROWS” turn our sadness into Joy. (Issue, Goals, Reality, Options, Willingness and Smiles

Feedback from yesterday

I hope that yesterday you were able to go over any days you have missed as well as writing down all the things that you are grateful and thankful for.

Today we look at the law of attraction

The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that “like attracts like” and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. You see, if you want something to happen, such as you want a bike, don’t just say I want that bike, believe you are going to get that bike. Instead of telling yourself you want the bike, visualise yourself riding that bike. It doesn’t matter whether or not you know when you are going to receive it, just believe you’re going to get it and have no doubts about it. If you have any doubts, quickly change your thought pattern to the positive and focus on receiving or having what you want.

It worked for me

This year, one of my wish was to have a contract for training that would give me a certain amount of money which would help me to improve the quality of life for my children and I. I had no doubt that in time, it would happen. First thing in the morning and last thing at night, I would focus on this and I also was thankful and grateful to God for providing me with this. Within a week of this, I was offered a part time contract for even more that I expected



Practical steps to use the Law of Attraction

For this to work, you have to believe that it will work, as well as be prepared take the necessary actions everyday towards achieving what you want. To start with, make sure you have about 30 minutes and find somewhere comfortable and relaxing.

Relax your mind


Relax your mind by meditating for 5 to 10 minutes. Doing this will increase brain power and have your mind at that relaxed state. This step is optional but recommended

Be sure of what you want 

Be sure about what you want and that is something you have strong enthusiasm for. It is best if you focus on one thing at a time. Try at first wishing for things that are easy and measurable then when your wish comes true you will know for sure you got what you wished for. This will build faith.

Ask and you will receive


Make your request to God, the Universe or whoever you believe in

Create a picture board (vision board) of what you want


Use pictures you may have or pictures from magazines a to help you see and feel what you want, look at that picture everyday (better to do this in the morning since this will help you to feel better throughout the day), and focus on feelings of happiness, excitement etc

Visualise (Imagine) that what you want is already yours – when you visualise, you have to do so in details. Example: If you’re wanting that Nintendo Wii, see yourself sitting down playing a game on it. See yourself feeling the controller, playing your favourite game(s), touching the console.


Focus on what you want

Focus as often as you can on what you DO want rather than on what you don’t want..


Write your wish down. Start with “I am so happy and grateful now that…” and finish the sentence (or paragraph) telling God/ Universe what it is that you want. Write it in the present tense as if you have it right now. Avoid negation terms. Every day until your wish comes true, close your eyes and imagine that what it feels like to have received what you want.

Feel it. This is where you have to feel the way you would feel once you have received what you want. You must act, speak, and think as if you are receiving it now.


Show gratitude.

Write down all the things you currently have and be grateful and thankful for them

Be grateful and thankful to for experiences you have had which though may have been painful, but when you look back, you realise they have made you a better person. Be Grateful and thankful that what you want to happen is going to happen.

Be Patient


Don’t look for what you asked for, be patient and don’t get upset if these things don’t happen immediately. Don’t stress the “how” of things. Just know that in time, things will happen and work out for the best.

Article Credits – http://www.wikihow.com/Use-the-Law-of-Attraction

For more information and support email me genny@confidentqueen.co.uk

It would be good if you could try following the above steps and let me know how you get on.


The sadness diet© Day 19 ( Time to Review and Reflect)


The sadness diet©

The idea of The sadness diet© is for us to look at the things that make us sad, and together find ways to help us feel happier and have a reason to wake up each day with a smile. So on this journey, we will all Support, Motivate, Inspire, Love, and Encourage each other. Method we will use is called “IGROWS” turn our sadness into Joy. (Issue, Goals, Reality, Options, Willingness and Smiles

I am excited!

I am feeling so excited that I have managed to keep on writing about the sadness diet, and I am grateful for all the wonderful comments and feedback that you have given me. Over the last 18 days, we all must have had some unexpected news or situation, that stopped us on our track and seemed to mess up our well laid plans.   In those moments, we may have cried, felt disappointed and frustrated, but in time, we got over it, and still carry on with our lives realising that sadness is temporary and it’s all part of life. We realise that their have also been opportunities and situations that made us stop and say “…..despite it all, but still I smile!


Time to review and reflect

Today, we will take time to review your progress so far as well as time for you to catch up on any of the day’s activity you may have missed,

Activity 1 – go through all the different articles I have brought to you as part of this 21 days sadness diet and pick up the key things that matter to you.

Activity 2 –   Come up with ways you can incorporate some of the ideas into your daily lifestyle e.g One of the things I do each day is to meditate at least 10 minutes in the morning and before I go to sleep.

Activity 3 – What things will you take on board to help you at moments when you feel sad? E.g I keep my box of smiles in my bag daily so that at moment when I feel sad and I find a quite place to reflect on the items in it.

Activity 3 – What are you grateful for?


Just take a moment to write down all the people, things, situations that you are grateful for right now? e.g for me I am so grateful, thankful and happy that I have been able to secure part time contracts which will now allow me to have regular monthly income each month.

Take care and see you tomorrow when we will look at the Law of Attraction.


The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 18 (Bury your regrets)


Welcome back

Thank you so much for joining in our Sadness Diet and the journey to happier times.   In everyday life, we realise that there is a time for every purpose under heaven, their will be times when we feel sad and times when we feel happy. Yesterday we used the resources from ( http://www.positivityblog.com/index.php/2014/03/05/grateful-when-times-are-tough/) and we focused on how to be grateful even when we feel sad.

Why we regret things at times

One of the biggest cause of sadness for a lot of us is “regret” when things are not going according to plan, and we have too much time to think, we can sometime fall into depression and sadness as we start focussing of regret using “If only”

Regret happens when you don’t forgive yourself. When your mistake feels final, like going too fast on a motorway, it is too easy to feel regret. However, forgiveness is a powerful catalyst, and is one of the most loving actions you can take for yourself. While regret holds you back in the past, forgiveness helps you to move forward.

Tell yourself, “That was part of who I was then. I didn’t know any better or I would have made a different choice. That mistake helped me to grow into who I am today. I forgive myself and resolve to move forward.” Believe what you tell yourself.

regrets of the dying

The day I was feeling so sad

A while back ago, I was feeling a bit sad and this was triggered by the fact that I had problems with my sink, and I needed to get a plumber out but right at that point I did not have the money to get a plumber in, and at the same time my son could not go to a particular event he had been invited to as their was no one to take him and I had to give up my car two years ago whilst I sorted my temporary financial set back.

But this day, as I sat down at home on my own, I really felt sad, and started to focus on the fact that I did not have regular contract, I wished I had not got myself in so much debt, I regretted the fact that my life was not going how I had expected it – get married, have children, enjoy wonderful family live, retire early and travel round the world! I really felt so sad and started to cry, but in the midst of it all, a friend of mine called and was a bit upset and I spent time talking to her and cheering her up. After speaking to her, I forgot I was sad, and just got up and started to do things to stop me from focussing on my past regrets. Out of all this, I decided to write this 21 days sadness diet, as a way of helping me to cope and also to share my experiences with you.


Tips on coping with regret

  1.  Let go of the past, and create a better future. When you do this, there is no longer room for regret, for it serves no active purpose.
  2. Concentrate on now. Put your passion into a new relationship, a new skill or a new adventure.
  3. Forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes, and move forward with a clear conscience.
  4. Let Go of Negative Feelings and send negative feelings about your actions into the past, where the action occurred. They don’t do you any good now.
  5. Focus on new accomplishments and connections so you can move forward, away from memories, which no longer serve you.
  6. Find the Lessons – Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” When you make a mistake, there is ALWAYS something to learn. Learning equals growth. It is more difficult to feel loss when your focus is on gain, and on bettering yourself.

Activity – How Bury your regret

  1. Get a piece of paper and write down all the things you regret and why you regret it.
  2. Cross a line against each one as a way of reminding yourself , that it is the past, it is gone and there is nothing you can do to change it.
  3. Forgive yourself, as sometimes we make choices which at the time seem to be good, but on later reflection we realise it was not a good choice.
  4. Try and learn the lessons you gained from it
  5. Now cut the paper up in small pieces
  6. You then need to find a spot in an open space – lets say if you have a back garden, dig a whole and bury the small pieces, or if you have a shredder you can shred it, or safely you could burn the paper – it is a way of letting go
  7. Now take a deep breath and focus on what you can do right now to change your situation – if you find you cannot cope with doing this, do ask for help or you can email me genny@confidentqueen.co.uk

How to make amends with others

If you regret something you have done to someone, then you should try and ask for forgiveness from that person and if they don’t accept your forgives, its ok as you have done your part and they may not be at a place yet where they can forgive you.

Some times it is difficult if the person has died but you can still. My dad died 29 years ago, and I really regret the fact that when I was younger he promised to buy me a white pair of shoes, and he never had the chance to. This affected me for years, but one day I remember waking up crying and saying “ Dad I love you, now you are gone I know you can’t buy me my shoes, but it’s ok now and I forgive you”

Credits and useful links :-



Please feel free to email or comment on this blog, which I hope has helped you to cope with some of the regrets you may have. May the Smile be with you.

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 17 (Be Grateful even when you feel sad)


Welcome back

Thank you so much for joining in our Sadness Diet and the journey to happier times.  In everyday life, we realise that there is a time for every purpose under heaven, their will be times when we feel sad and times when we feel happy. Yesterday we used the resources from http://www.mindbodygreen.com and looked at why its good to enjoy a hug. I hope you managed to hug yourself and shared hugs with others/

Today we look at – Being Grateful even when you are feeling sad

Some days we wake up feeling excited and passionate about life and things are just great. We then have days when we do not feel much motivated at all. When our best laid plans go out the window before the day has barely begun; or when something important unexpectedly goes wrong and we get that sinking feeling our your stomach. Or when you feel sorry for yourself and honestly just want to go back to bed and to sleep again. The old saying tells us to count our blessings, but sometimes that can be difficult to do.

Maybe the simplest and certainly one of the most effective ways to turn such a day, week or month around into something more positive and better is in my experience to turn your focus to gratitude. Because even if things look tough today or for the next 3 or 6 months we can always find something or several things to feel very grateful for about our life. ( http://www.positivityblog.com/index.php/2014/03/05/grateful-when-times-are-tough/)

When you are grateful…….…

Have more energy and optimism

Are less bothered by life’s hassles

Are more resilient in the face of stress

Are healthier

Suffer less depression than the rest of us

Are more compassionate

Are more likely to help others

Are less materialistic

Are more satisfied with life.

9 Benefits of Being Grateful

Some of the things I am grateful for right now in my life

  1. I am alive and in good health
  2. I have wonderful children, family, church  members and a network of fantastic friends
  3. A roof over our heads and a warm, loving and secure home
  4. Plenty of drinkable water when there are so many in the world with no access to clean water
  5. I have more than enough food to eat and to share with others
  6. Regular contract work
  7. I can enjoy the small and free pleasures of life.
  8. Access to the internet which has allowed me to learn so much and make so many new friends
  9. Being able to be happy and share happiness to others
  10. The setbacks that have formed me and made me stronger
  11. Great memories of my family and friends who are no longer with us


Activity 1 – So now you need to sit down and just take a few minutes to write down all the things that you are grateful for in your life right now. Take your time and each day just keep writing, for me it is therapy and I love going back and reading my gratitude list especially at times when I feel a bit down, it helps me to realise how blessed I truly am, especially in a world where so many are suffering and in need of the basics of life.

Thanks for taking part in the Sadness diet, and I am grateful that you have given me the opportunity to share with you.  No matter what you are going through give yourself permission to SMILE.


The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 16 (It’s good to hug )

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 16 (It’s good to hug )


 Welcome back

Thank you so much for joining in our Sadness Diet and the journey to happier times.  In everyday life, we realise that there is a time for every purpose under heaven, their will be times when we feel sad and times when we feel happy. Yesterday we used the resources from Action for Happiness and learnt how mindfulness can help us to get more from each day. Today we are going to look at some reasons why when we are feeling a bit sad, a good hug can help to change our mood and make us feel a bit better. The information today comes from http://www.mindbodygreen.com

Feedback from Yesterday

I hope after yesterday, you will able to take time to enjoy your surroundings.


Today – 10 Reasons Why We Need at Least 8 Hugs a Day


Hugging therapy is definitely a powerful way of healing. Research shows that hugging (and also laughter) is extremely effective at healing sickness, disease, loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress. The nurturing touch of a hug builds trust and a sense of safety. This helps with open and honest communication.

Hugs can instantly boost oxytocin levels, which heal feelings of loneliness, isolation, and anger.

Holding a hug for an extended time lifts one’s serotonin levels, elevating mood and creating happiness.

Hugs strengthen the immune system. The gentle pressure on the sternum and the emotional charge this creates activates the Solar Plexus Chakra. This stimulates the thymus gland, which regulates and balances the body’s production of white blood cells, which keep you healthy and disease free.

Hugging boosts self-esteem. From the time we’re born our family’s touch shows us that we’re loved and special. The associations of self-worth and tactile sensations from our early years are still imbedded in our nervous system as adults. The cuddles we received from our Mom and Dad while growing up remain imprinted at a cellular level, and hugs remind us at a somatic level of that. Hugs, therefore, connect us to our ability to self love.

Hugging relaxes muscles. Hugs release tension in the body. Hugs can take away pain; they soothe aches by increasing circulation into the soft tissues.

Hugs balance out the nervous system. The galvanic skin response of someone receiving and giving a hug shows a change in skin conductance. The effect in moisture and electricity in the skin suggests a more balanced state in the nervous system – parasympathetic.

Hugs teach us how to give and receive. There is equal value in receiving and being receptive to warmth, as to giving and sharing. Hugs educate us how love flows both ways.

Hugs are so much like meditation and laughter. They teach us to let go and be present in the moment. They encourage us to flow with the energy of life. Hugs get you out of your circular thinking patterns and connect you with your heart and your feelings and your breath.

The energy exchange between the people hugging is an investment in the relationship. It encourages empathy and understanding..

Virginia Satir – family therapist, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.”

Instant Feel Good (Please try to do this at least once a day)

Sit down

Breathe in slowly and Breathe out Slowly ( do this a couple of times)

Breathe in slowly and then laugh out loud slowly (do this a couple of times)

Say – I am so grateful and happy to be alive to see another day.

Think and focus on something that makes you feel happy or just make sing and dance to my favourite “wake up I feel happy boom, boom, I feel like dancing around boom boom, and now I am dancing line no one’s watching boom, boom”

Smile – Just spend a few seconds smiling, and then I want you to give out a couple of big laughs (hahaha)

Get your Gift of a smile box, and make use of the items as you continue to feel good and smile

Now give yourself a big hug them go and share a smile and a hug with someone else!

See you tomorrow and may the SMILE always be with you!

The 21 Days Sadness Diet© Day 15 (Mindfulness – from Action for Happiness)


Welcome back

Thank you so much for joining in our Sadness Diet and the journey to happier times.  In everyday life, we realise that there is a time for every purpose under heaven, their will be times when we feel sad and times when we feel happy. Yesterday thanks to Liz Arnold, we looked at how meditation can help calm us and change our mood.

Feedback from Yesterday

I hope after yesterday, you will try and include some mediation into your daily routine and make it a habit.

Today – Action of Happiness (http://www.actionforhappiness.org/)

On the same theme as yesterday, today we are going to look at mindfulness and how it can help us to get more from each day and I have taken the information from Action for Happiness which is an organisation I support and love as they are doing so much to help us all in our journey towards happiness,


Bring mindfulness into your day

Mindfulness is a key skill for happiness and we can do it wherever we are. So here are some ideas to get started – it’ll help you get more from your day!



Being mindful means being more fully aware of what is around us – what we can see, hear, touch and taste. And what is happening inside – our thoughts and feelings. It’s about learning to observe all this but not getting caught up in thinking or worrying about it, so being able to choose what we then attend to.

Why do it?

In our busy lives we constantly have our head full or thoughts about the future or about the past – what are we going to do next or what are we going to become or how well or badly we just did. This means we’re often not that aware of what is around us, and what happening in the here and now. So there’s likely to be a lot good stuff that we miss (or not so good stuff that we really need to be aware of). It also means that we often do things more out of unconscious habit rather than fully conscious choice. Mindfulness has been shown to help us be healthier, less affected by stress, more relaxed, more creative, more open to learning, sleep better, improve our relationships with others and feel happier and more satisfied with our lives.


What’s great is it’s a skill that anyone can learn and benefit from. It is very simple, and need take only a few minutes a day. But it does take a bit of practice and it may be hard at first. Keep at it and you’ll feel the benefits in many areas of your life. There are various ways we can be mindful and I have selected to focus on how we can observe mindfully from he article from Action for Happiness (http://www.actionforhappiness.org/)

  1. Observing mindfully (Today’s activity)

This is about simply trying to increase what we’re aware of and our consciousness of what is around us. It only takes a few extra minutes. Here are some ideas to try:

As you enter your house or workplace, be aware of your sensations and feelings as you enter. How does the floor feel beneath your feet? What noises can you hear? What smells do you notice? What colours?

Each time you step outside look up at the sky and see the sky and the clouds or the stars, notice the feeling of the air on your body or the warmth of the sun or sensation of the wind.

Look up at some trees and notice how they are, their different shapes and colours. Look at the texture of their bark, branches and leaves. Notice how these move and the sound of the leaves. Are there any birds sitting in them or singing? Can you see sunlight through the foliage or drops of rain in the leaves? What insects are buzzing nearby? What else can you notice?

When you are going somewhere in the car, by foot or on your bike notice how you are as you travel. Are you rushing to reach your destination? How does it feel? Where are the muscles in your body tight or relaxed? Which are working and which are not? How does your breathing feel – fast, slow, deep or shallow? Does it feel different when you slow down and take your time?

Each day notice an object of wonder or beauty. Take a moment to appreciate the skill and effort that went into an object such as a car, building, sculpture or work of art or the beauty in nature.

When you are doing something pleasurable such as taking a warm shower or bath, petting you dog or cat, stroking your child’s hair or sitting down for a moment of peace, be really present. Really notice what it is you find pleasurable about the experience and how it makes you feel.

For more information :-





Instant Feel Good

Sit down

Breathe in slowly and Breathe out Slowly ( do this a couple of times)

Breathe in slowly and then laugh out loud slowly (do this a couple of times)

Say – I am so grateful and happy to be alive to see another day.

Think and focus on something that makes you feel happy or just make sing and dance to my favourite “wake up I feel happy boom, boom, I feel like dancing around boom boom, and now I am dancing line no one’s watching boom, boom”

Smile – Just spend a few seconds smiling, and then I want you to give out a couple of big laughs (hahaha)

Get your Gift of a smile box, and make use of the items as you continue to feel good and smile

See you tomorrow and may the SMILE always be with you!

The 21 Days sadness diet© Day 14 (Meditation by – Liz Almond)


Welcome back

Thank you so much for joining in our Sadness Diet and the journey to happier times.  In everyday life, we realise that there is a time for every purpose under heaven, their will be times when we feel sad and times when we feel happy. Today we are going to look at how mediation can help us change our mood from moments of sadness to moments of peace, calm and happiness.

Feedback from Yesterday

I hope yesterday you were inspired byte six ways to Wellbeing and started to make small changes in your life.


One of the things I love to do each morning and night is to take time to meditate. This allows me to clear my mind and start and finish my day feeling refreshed and relaxed. Last year I was quite privileged to do a session with an amazing lady Liz, and she really helped me to sort out a few issues I had through meditation. So today I am happy she agreed for me to include her blog on meditation as I feel it will help us all in our journey towards a happier life.


Today’s Activity

Read the article below and try to schedule time for you to meditate and remember as always if you need help you can email me, and if its specific to mediation feel free to contact Liz directly on 07815 904848 or email liz@insightfulminds.co.uk

Over to Liz





 Can meditating bring you more happiness and money?

The answer in short is Yes!!!!!!!     I used to think that meditating was boring and I clearly remember telling a friend who did meditate this once. She looked puzzled, but did not question me as to why I thought this. I wish she had! Now years on… I understand as I am a very different person now to who I was then. For years I had been living a life of lots of stress and anxiety as I was in a high pressured job, I was reacting to life rather than choosing to lead the life I wanted and I always did what I was told and sabotaged my happiness as I thought other people around me – my work colleagues, my friends and my family were more important than me. Now that I understand that my happiness must come first, I have changed how I behave with the people around me. Now I am not saying that you shouldn’t help those around you as one of the qualities of being attractive to the Universe, is being selfless. The key is always to ask yourself, am I sabotaging my happiness? This is where meditating can help.

For anyone who has read any of the top ‘Get yourself Rich’ books, you will understand that all the top entrepreneurs/business owners meditate. Why do they do it? Because it allows them to be more effective in their decision making, they are more productive and they understand that their internal happiness affects their energy and love for life. Ultimately if you are not happy, you will put out a negative view to the world and this will affect you attracting in the work/happiness that you want. They also realise that money relates to Abundance. Meditating allows them to release negative thoughts about themselves and to ask their higher selves about how they can achieve the success that they are looking for. They understand that meditating will allow them to ask for opportunities, to gain ideas , to appreciate life and to achieve peace of mind which are all qualities of being abundant in life. All the top entrepreneurs/business owners meditate – Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, etc. If they can do it, you can too. They also understand that in the mind, Health, Wealth and Happiness is interlinked and they are tapping into their inner wisdom. If you are in business and you are not meditating. Start now… You can not afford not to …..

What is meditation?

Meditation comes in many forms and you may well have heard of Mindfulness Meditation, Transcendental Meditation, Kundalini, QiKong, Guided Visualisation, Trance based practices and Heart Rhythms Meditation. Basically they are techniques to quieten the mind and to allow you to be peaceful as in today’s society we live life at such a pace that our mind goes at a very fast pace and is full of thoughts which then makes us feel worse as we can get overwhelmed. Now generally you will be drawn to one particular type of meditation. If you can’t bear the thought of being cross legged and being sat in a yoga pose, then don’t worry because this is not mandatory!!! Regardless of the method you choose, the most important thing is to clear your mind and to meditate in questions or topics which are important to you. Now when I say this, I don’t mean that you close your eyes and think through all the tasks you need to do today. Think about a question you would like to ask yourself. For example, I sometimes ask myself, what do I need to learn today? Or I ask myself a specific question and then quieten my mind. By meditating, you are allowing yourself to connect with your Higher Self, a deeper wisdom inside of you, and you will find that with practice, you will gain more clarity and understanding. You also need to focus on your breath. Breath in through your mouth positivity (think positive thoughts) and breath out negativity (negative thoughts that come up for you) I tend to use different forms of meditation throughout the week, as I like the variety, but the choice is yours. The key is to make mediating a daily habit and to ingrain a new habit it takes 28 times of practicing, so don’t give up too soon! By focussing on what I do have rather than what I don’t have and by expressing gratitude, I gain ideas and clarity for my day.

The hidden benefits of mediating

By mediating, you are basically offloading negative thoughts and feelings from your body and your energy field – your aura. When we are stressed, we take on board other people’s stuff too which weighs us down and can make us feel sad and depressed. When you get used to doing it, you will feel lighter and brighter and happier which in turn will bring more positive situations to you as you will have more ideas, more inspiration and will see more opportunities around you. This is you being able to see abundance in your life rather than scarcity. Even in the darkest situation, you can see a hidden blessing. Something to be grateful for. Meditating helps you get in tune with the inner you. There is now research to suggest that weight loss and as well as a better sex life are also benefits from meditating regularly. By being a calmer and happier you, you are more in balance with yourself, and will in turn carry less emotional issues as you deal with them as you feel them. Meditating also ensures that you live in the present, which is the best place to be. Most people are triggered back into their past everyday due to picking up on anchors around them e.g. A song plays on the radio and it is your wedding song. Initially you feel happy and then, you realise you got divorced two years ago, and you feel sad and maybe angry! If you suffer from anxiety, this is fear of the future. Meditating allows you to focus on the ‘here and now’.

When should I meditate?

The best time to meditate is the 30 minutes before you go to bed and the 30 minutes as you wake up as your brain is more receptive. That said, if you really can’t do it at this time because of family pressures, work commitments, etc, just make sure you take 10-15 minutes per day to switch off and meditate.

Want to learn more?

To learn more about how to be abundant in life and to change your attitude to money and the stresses in life, you may wish to use the Money Mindset workbook How to manifest more money into your life or come on one of my money mindset workshops/courses. If you are in debt, don’t worry. One of the workshops is free! I also teach meditation and Reiki on a 1-1 basis. Of course, if you are feeling stressed and need some spiritual guidance, I am more than happy to work with you individually to help you understand the issues you have now and to help you move forward with ease.

All information can be found at http://www.insightfulminds.co.uk or you can ring me on 07815 904848 or email liz@insightfulminds.co.uk #moneymindsetworkshops #themoneyattractionangel



Instant Feel Good

1.Sit down

2.Breathe in slowly and Breathe out Slowly ( do this a couple of times)

3.Breathe in slowly and then laugh out loud slowly (do this a couple of times)

4.Say – I am so grateful and happy to be alive to see another day.

5.Think and focus on something that makes you feel happy or my favourite “wake up I feel happy boom, boom, I feel like dancing around boom boom, and now I am dancing line no one’s watching boom, boom”

6.Smile – Just spend a few seconds smiling, and then I want you to give out a couple of big laughs (hahaha)

  1. Get your Gift of a smile box, and make use of the items as you continue to feel good and smile

See you

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