Simple action plan to be fitter and healthier

If you are serious to being fitter, healthier and happier you have to start now by making a plan of how you are going to do this. I find it first to take some time to answer these three questions.

  1. Why do you want to be fitter and healthier?.
  2. What will happen if you are not fitter and healthier?
  3. , What can you see yourself doing now that you are fitter and healthier?

I hope you find answering those questions very useful. Now time to create a simple plan of action


Step 1 – Write down one main goal relating to being fitter and healthier

For example  main goal – to loose 281bs  starting 1st January  and finishing on 30th April   so that I can   fit comfortable into a size 14 dress which I have already bought to wear to a function in May.

 Step 2  – Create a vison board

Create a vison board of the new you looking fitter and heathier. Your vision board can include images, words, and positive affirmations. Once you have created your Vision board, make sure you put it somewhere you can see it everyday and spend a few minutes imaging you have achieved your goal every single day.

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Step 3 –  Create an action plan based on your vison board – here is an example

Main goal –  loose 281bs by 31st May

Actions  I am going to take loose 281bs

Smalls steps – I am going to lose 7 lbs each month by:

  • Exercising at home 3 times a week using videos
  • Go out for a walk 30 minutes twice a week
  • Cooking and eat healthier meals each day
  • Drinking 1 litter of water in the morning, afternoon, and evening
  • Visualising myself being slimer, fitter and healthier each day
  • Affirming that I am enjoying my daily exercise and healthy eating which is making me energised, fitter and healthier.
  • Celebrating with a happy dance and saying woohoo as I achieve my goals
  • Sign up to the ‘Better2022 facebook accountability group so that I will be encouraged and supported by like minded people as well as share my journey on a monthly.

Some Affirmations you could say each day:

– I enjoy walking  for 45 minutes every day as I discover new places and meet interesting people

– I enjoy eating healthy foods and do have the occasional treats which makes me feel good as I see the results

– I enjoy drinking  2 litres of water each day as it refreshes me and fills me with so much energy


Do contact me if you need help with this-

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